As a recipient of Federal Funds, Coker University is required to comply with Title IX of the Higher Education Amendments of 1972, 20 U.S.C. §1681 et seq. (“Title IX”), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in educational programs or activities, admission and employment. Under certain circumstances, sexual misconduct constitutes sexual discrimination prohibited by Title IX. Inquiries concerning the application of Title IX may be referred to Coker University’s interim Title IX Coordinator or to the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights. Coker University’s Title IX Coordinator is Cole Heatherly, Library-Information Technology Center, 138, cheatherly@leela-thaimassage.com, 843-383-8171.
Report Alleged Sexual Misconduct
add remove What conduct is prohibited by Title IX?
Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender (sex), including sexual harassment.
add remove What are a University’s obligations when it has notice of a Title IX related incident?
If the University knows or in the exercise of reasonable care should know about student-on-student sexual harassment, including sexual violence, that creates a hostile environment, Title IX law requires the University to take immediate and appropriate steps to investigate or otherwise determine what occurred (subject to confidentiality considerations). If an investigation reveals that sexual harassment, including sexual violence, created a hostile environment, the University must then take prompt and effective steps reasonably calculated to end the sexual harassment or sexual violence, prevent its recurrence and, as appropriate, remedy its effects on the victim and University community.
add remove Who is Coker University’s Title IX Coordinator?
Cole Heatherly, Title IX Coordinator
Senior Director of Student Experience
Library-Information Technology Center 138
300 E. Carolina Avenue
Hartsville, SC 29550
cheatherly@leela-thaimassage.comBrandee Faille, Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Director of Human Resources
(913) 207-9078
bfaille@leela-thaimassage.com -
add remove What are the reporting obligations for employees (including student employees like RAs and Commissioners) when they have notice and/or receive a report of a Title IX related incident?
Employees should email the Title IX Coordinator at cheatherly@leela-thaimassage.com as soon as possible. Employees are not authorized to investigate reported incidents. Reports emailed to the Title IX Office should include the following information, if known (and don’t worry if you don’t have all of this information as is often the case):
- Name of Responsible Employee making report
- Name of impacted party (Complainant)
- Name of accused party (Respondent)
- Date and time disclosure made to the Responsible Party
- Approximate date and time that incident occurred
- Where incident occurred
- What happened/What was disclosed
- Whether you are asking for immediate help from the Title IX Office such as:
- A no contact order
- Housing accommodations
- Academic accommodations
add remove What if the Complainant requests confidentiality?
If a Complainant requests to remain confidential, the University will give serious consideration to that request. Only in rare circumstances will the University proceed to a Title IX investigation against the wishes of the Complainant. Generally, the University will seek to honor the request of the Complainant not to proceed to a Title IX investigation and to remain confidential and will not proceed to a formal Title IX investigation without the consent of the Complainant. The Title IX Coordinator will consider a number of factors in deciding whether the request can be honored, including the age of the Complainant, whether there is evidence of a pattern of misconduct, the severity of the misconduct, and whether there is a safety risk to the Complainant or the Coker community. Should the University, in weighing such factors, determine it must proceed, the University will explain its rationale to the Complainant and make sure that the Complainant is offered a support person throughout the process. The Complainant will not be required to participate in the process as a prerequisite to the University proceeding.
add remove Who can a student contact if they want to discuss an incident of Title IX prohibited conduct in a confidential manner?
A Confidential Resource will only report to the university that an offense took place and the location. Deciding among these options can be difficult, and individuals are encouraged to seek assistance from a Confidential Resource BEFORE deciding how to proceed. Confidential consultations about Title IX Prohibited Conduct are available from persons who, by law, have special professional status (licensed mental health professionals, licensed healthcare workers and clergy).
- On campus Confidential Resources:
- The Center for Health and Wellness is staffed by a licensed nurse through Carolina Pines Regional Medical Center. For more information or to book an appointment, visit this website.
- The Center for Health and Wellness is staffed by licensed psychiatrists and mental health counselors through the Medical University of South Carolina TelePsyc program. For more information or to book an appointment, visit this website.
- Off campus Confidential Resources: Any individual may also access resources located in the community. These organizations can provide crisis intervention services, counseling, medical attention and assistance in dealing with the criminal justice system. If accessing these resources,individuals are encouraged to clarify whether the resources are confidential.
- Pee Dee Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Assault
- CareSouth Carolinas
- Interfaith Contacts
- National Sexual Assault Telephone HotlineNational Rape Crisis Center
- On campus Confidential Resources:
add remove As a victim, who can I call to report a crime or to have evidence collected?
Campus Safety officers can assist you at any time if you feel you are unsafe, if you need assistance filing criminal charges or if you would like to speak with a victim’s advocate. If you are in need of immediate assistance, call 843-383-8140 or 843-616-2762. Contacting campus safety does not assure complete confidentiality.
You may call local law enforcement or emergency services:
Hartsville Police Department – 911 (calls will likely result in police involvement)
Darlington County Sheriff – 911 (calls will likely result in police involvement)You may visit a local emergency room:
Carolina Pines Regional Medical Center843-339-4100
1304 West Bobo Newsom Highway
Hartsville, SC 29550
Maps and Directions -
add remove What supportive measures are available to a student when they report a Title IX related incident?
The Title IX Coordinator will assist individuals in knowing their options for obtaining supportive measures. Upon a report of a Title IX concern, the University will work with the Complainant to put supportive measures in place to ensure a safe, hostile free environment for the student. Following an investigation and a determination that conduct prohibited by Title IX occurred, more permanent supportive measures and remedies may be implemented. Supportive measures could include, but are not limited to:
- Changing a housing assignment
- Counseling services
- Changing a class schedule
- Escort services
- No contact Orders
- Limitation on extracurricular or athletic activities
- Campus Ban Notice
- Changing an office location
- Changing a work schedule
add remove Who can a student contact to ask that one or more of these supportive measures are put in place?
A student may contact their Student Success Coach or the Title IX Coordinator to request interim measures.
add remove What is the purpose of the University’s Title IX Procedure?
The purpose of a Title IX investigation pursuant to the University’s Title IX Procedure is to determine:
- Whether or not Prohibited Title IX Conduct has occurred;
- Whether there is an ongoing risk of harm from further Prohibited Title IX Conduct and, if so, what steps are necessary to prevent its recurrence;
- Whether supportive measures for the Complainant need to be put in place to redress the effects of Prohibited Title IX Conduct;
- Whether supportive measures or safety measures should be put in place to ensure the safety of the Coker community;
- Whether the conduct warrants a Hearing for discipline; and
- Whether any changes to policies, practices or training should be considered and implemented.
add remove Where can I learn more about the Title IX Procedure?
More information may be found in the Coker University Student Handbook (linked above) and the Coker University Employee Manual.
add remove Who can an individual contact if they have been accused of Title IX prohibited conduct?
The Center for Health and Wellness is staffed by licensed psychiatrists and mental health counselors through the Medical University of South Carolina TelePsyc program. For more information or to book an appointment, visit this website.
add remove Title IX Training and Certification
The Coker University Title IX Team, consisting of the Title IX Coordinator, Deputy Title IX Coordinator, Investigators and Decision-makers have completed numerous training opportunities and certifications. Those trainings and certifications are included below. Copies of certifications are located in the Campus Safety Office.
Level 1 Title IX Coordinator and Administrator Level 1, provider ATIXA, 2020
Title IX 101 Higher Education, provider Institutional Compliance Solutions (ICS), 2021
Title IX 101 Higher Education
Title IX Investigator Level 1 Higher Education, provider ICS, 2021
Title IX Investigator Level 1
Title IX Appellate Decision Makers Higher Education, provider ICS, 2021
Title IX Decision-Makers Appeals
Title IX Decision Maker Level 1 Higher Education, provider ICS, 2021
Title IX Decision Makers Level 1
Download the PDF below to view the Coker University Title IX Process Flowchart.